Lenn Bayliss shot Virgin 777 VH-VPF when it arrived in storage at Wellcamp back in late 2020
Lenn Bayliss shot Virgin 777 VH-VPF when it arrived in storage at Wellcamp back in late 2020
Traffic #389 | Qantas gets its last batch of Dreamliners
After more than two years of delays, Qantas quietly took delivery of its latest Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner on Sunday, 31 April. VH-ZNL touched down in Melbourne before 9am that morning after departing from Boeing’s Everett factory at 7:45pm on the 29 April, nearly 20 hours earlier.
Qantas is yet to officially announce the Dreamliner’s arrival, which despite being three years overdue was still over a month ahead of its new schedule. Current Qantas CEO Alan Joyce revealed in February that the airline’s three incoming 787s – now ordered nearly exactly five years ago – would be delivered in June of this year.
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