This week, Sydney Airport’s CEO told major airlines to use their take-off slots or let other carriers have them as domestic traffic continues to languish.
It comes after the ACCC in June argued that larger airlines “can exploit” slot rules to stifle competition from smaller carriers, with both Bonza and Rex claiming the system is putting them at a severe disadvantage.
Adam, Jake and Chris discuss the latest as take-off technicalities become national news.
Plus, after another month of delays, is air traffic control really understaffed? Who’s to blame?
You can watch the episode on YouTube above and on your phone by clicking here. You can also listen to the audio-only version by using the podcast player below.
[email protected]
says:The word flavour of this time is “Slots”,- whilst I am not doubting that a problem may exist all the conversations are broad spectrum non specific so where is the problem. There has to be a time frame/s when the regulators get excited and in some cases issue argumentative statements so identify that/those problem times and I am sure a solution will be found. Regarding flight cancellations, again a non specific reasoned reporting activity; any airline that is not monitoring their flight loadings is not doing the job correctly thus creating more expensive fare costs and or promulgating flights that maybe should not have been published for sale in the first place. With today’s technology, there is little if any reason that a flight cannot be confirmed or cancelled within a thirty six hour interval and effected customers completely accommodated within a seriously reasonable time. Yes, sometimes the airline just has to bight their tongue and operate a half empty or less aircraft, – what do they call it, peaks and troughs and what the customer wants?.
[email protected]
says:As an addition to my previous comment; unless the sun isn’t going rise tomorrow it is a fact Oz airlines change their main schedules twice a year. Prior to promulgation every operational dept. is required to view and make a confirmation or otherwise regarding their ability to perform that which is required. That having been achieved the planned schedule is then forwarded to the allied authorities concerned for implementation or comment and then published. If in the ensuing 6 months period another operator arrives on scene and wants something (a slot) that cannot be allocated then as that famous lady once said, tough titties, apply again at the next schedule change. I say with respect, Sydney Airport it is your job to manage the situation, take a leaf out of the ACCC’s behaviour and stop complaining.