Comments on: ‘Discriminating’: Skroo criticises Queensland border roadmap Australia's Leading News Source in Aviation Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:14:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rod Pickin Mon, 25 Oct 2021 01:14:02 +0000 Based on the latest information from the Qld Govt/health advice), the actual Qld. borders seem likely to remain insitu and be be fully manned well beyond the Dec 17th date, possibly well into the New Year otherwise how are they going to police the nos of Vaccs rcvd and check the Neg Covid test prior to entry. This whole saga is proof positive that elected pollies are not checking and re-checking the questionable material coming from the bureaucracy they are supposed to manage, it would appear that they are more concerned about their party than the welfare of the people plus they all need a lesson in seeing that ideology is manifestly different from practicality. Meanwhile businesses like Flight Centre and its Oz wide staff suffer, making it worse, poor old “Scroo” has to be careful in his criticism because no doubt the Qld. Govt. is a customer of his and they would have a huge travel budget that he would want to keep. As a border resident I can assure all, challenging hardly describes the devastating results that have resulted from what at best is an incompetent administration.

By: Nathan Thu, 21 Oct 2021 07:14:31 +0000 No matter what the Qld Govt did, this bloke wouldn’t be happy.

He just wants more people to book with his Flight Centre business, that’s all he’s worried about.
