Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) currently accounts for less than 0.1% of all commercial aircraft fuel
Comment: How aviation can reduce carbon emissions
Along with the global aviation industry, Pratt & Whitney continues to strive for sustainable solutions to cut its carbon footprint.
As the world pivots away from fossil fuels, aviation’s share of global CO2 emissions is projected to increase. While aviation accounts for approximately 2% of global emissions today, the industry is focusing on solutions to reduce its carbon footprint. Last year, Pratt & Whitney joined the Air Transport Action Group (ATAG), committing to the goal of net zero emissions for aviation by 2050. Later this year, the International Civil Aviation Organisation will consider net zero as a new long-term goal.
Sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is already working to decarbonise the industry. Right now, all Pratt & Whitney commercial engines are certified to operate on up to 50% SAF blended with conventional kerosene, with the aim of reaching 100%. However, SAF currently accounts for less than 0.1% of all fuel used by commercial aircraft. Its production must be urgently scaled up, while the cost per litre must be brought more closely in line with kerosene. This can be achieved, in part, through government incentives.
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