Figure 1. CASA's Regulatory Framework (Source: CASA)
Figure 1. CASA's Regulatory Framework (Source: CASA)
Comment: Regulatory Change for the Better
CASA has introduced a revised set of operating regulations, to better account for operations of different sizes, and remove distinctions between charter and RPT
ON 2 December 2021, CASA introduced a revised set of operating regulations covering Civil Aviation Safety Regulations – Parts 91 (general operating), 119 (Air Operator’s Certification), 121 (large air transport), 133 (rotorcraft air transport), 135 (small air transport) and 138 (air work). The intent of these rule changes, which had been in various stages of review and development for nearly a decade, was to “enhance operational flexibility, enhance safety, and increase compliance with ICAO standards”, while also consolidating several documents such as regulations, orders, instruments, and exceptions (CASA, 2018).
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