Industry Influencer | Cameron Marchant
Deep in the mysterious Top End of Australia lurks a man who enjoys helping pilots fulfil their true potential. He has built a successful career out of creating pathways encouraging and assisting trainee pilots to develop the skills to break into and succeed in the Australian general aviation sector and beyond. Aero Circus braves the stifling humidity and hungry crocodiles to find out more
Early days
After learning to fly in his hometown of Brisbane, Cameron made the move to Borroloola in the gulf country of the Northern Territory. Up there he discovered a liking for sweating excessively and worked as a charter pilot flying Cessna 182s and 210s.
Upon returning to Brisbane, he gained his instructor rating and continued working as a charter pilot. With a substantial number of hours in the logbook, he was offered an airline career. However, he realised that was not an avenue that would adequately satisfy his chronic aviation ‘disorder’.
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